Philo’s Story

As a psychic kid I was repeatedly told that what I saw, heard and experienced was the product of a youthful and overactive imagination. Growing up in a haunted home, however, the spirits begged to differ. They’d visit late at night and one in particular, a Chinese lady, had a lot to say. Given that I didn’t speak Chinese I never knew what she was saying. I’d just scream, “The Chinese lady is back! The Chinese lady is back!” My mother grew tired of this over time and ultimately told me, “Listen, there’s no Chinese lady in our house. It’s not possible that a Chinese lady has ever been in our house. You have to stop this immediately! Everyone is going to think you’re crazy!”

By the age of 11 the “you must be crazy” idea had unfortunately settled in, but thankfully I discovered alcohol. Not only did it allow me to experience a previously unknown sense of ease and comfort in my own skin, the visions and visitations stopped. I decided I’d drink as often as possible, and it wasn’t long before the new drinking solution became a drinking problem.

At the age of 22 I landed in rehab. Sobriety, much to my surprise, turned out to be a most welcome wonder with a vast community of support. A cast of characters loved me back to health, everything was on an upward trajectory except for one little problem. The psychic thing returned. At the time I had little control over it, and it kept happening and at all the wrong times and in all the wrong places.

Then I saw a newspaper ad for an open house at the Berkeley Psychic Institute. I went, loved it, and they asked if I could give a test reading. They taught me a few basic tools, the reading began and we were all very surprised by just how much I could see without any training. I asked, “Can you teach me how to gain control of this thing?” They said they’d love to teach me. I enrolled in their Meditation 1 class, then Meditation 2, then Healing 1, then Healing 2, and then I took the plunge and signed up for their two year Intensive Clairvoyant Training Program.

For the next two years my life was all about classes and lectures and practice readings and volunteering at psychic fairs. The program was intensive alright, but everything they promised proved to be true and then some. When my studies were over not only could read better than I ever thought possible, I also felt like I’d be able to live a relatively normal life. I graduated from the Berkeley Psychic Institute in 2003 and started working as a professional psychic medium. My work eventually got me involved with a group called San Francisco Paranormal and I started working as their psychic. At haunted locations around the Bay Area I’d go in first and read the property on my own, then they’d go in using technology to try and gain scientific evidence of the paranormal. Seeing video and hearing recordings that matched my personal experience proved invigorating and validating,

SF Paranormal also had a historian who researched the properties and would tell us what they had learned after we finished. Often the information provided valuable insights into what I saw and heard on the property – which got me thinking more about another home – the house I grew up in. The historian agreed to look into it for me and a couple weeks later guess what we learned? It turned out that my childhood neighborhood had been originally built by and for Chinese railway workers and their families. The Chinese lady had a reason for being there after all and my iinner child wanted me to scream “See, told you so!”

You can delve more into my paranormal work here and find out info about psychic readings and healings here.